About IPR

The International Paramedic Registry is dedicated to improving patient outcomes globally by certifying the initial and continued competence of prehospital providers in the latest evidence-based care standards. Our independent, valid and reliable certifications will benefit providers, employers, educators and governmental agencies by increasing accountability, value, professionalism, consumer confidence, and the overall quality of patient care.

We do this by:

  • Establishing an international standard of knowledge and skills.
  • Validating standard knowledge and skills through an initial and continuing written and skills evaluation process.


IPR is incorporated into IBSC, a non- profit organization delivering Board Certification examinations for specialty paramedic practice. The IBSC and IPR have a collective goal of public protection and advancing the EMS profession.


  • Discover our objectives and beneficiaries.
  • Ways to interact with us.
  • Levels of certification.
Certification Process, Quito Fire Department 2022. Ecuador